Amazing City Race

Compete against other teams as you race around your building, your city, your country, or the world!
You've seen the television show, and thought to yourself that it would be fun to compete against your friends, family or colleagues in an Amazing Race of your own. Well, look no further, we've got just the game for you!


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In any city globally

Perfect For

In person team building

How it works

The Game

The typical experience is conducted as a city exploration. Teams will have 2 hours to race around earning points by tracking down locations and performing challenges. Races can cover less ground, or more, but most of our races have teams exploring a neighborhood, city or leading them to another big event.

  • 5

    Decades to


  • 1


    hosting team

  • 1



  • 60-90

    Minutes to save

    the day!

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How to Play

Download our app, login to your private game and move around an area on foot unlocking secret challenges, finding hidden locations, avoiding yields and u-turns, challenging other teams when you find them, and of course making it to every pit stop. Can your team finish the final leg first?

  • Join on your virtual platform of choice and meet with your MC

  • We share some backstory before splitting you into teams of ~6 people

  • Work together to solve trivia and media challenges

  • Use the hint button to get out of pickles

  • Balance speed and creativity to solve the mystery!

  • We bring you back to the main room for an epic wrap up

Game Day Services

When you combine our event team with your hi-tech adventures, you get the best of both worlds. This is just some of what you can expect:

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  • A Big Boost Of Creativity

    Create engaging story-based games with our in-game pop-up videos, custom tours and 10+ challenge types. Flexible configuration options allow you to design the game of your dreams.

  • Suspense

    Give your players unique experiences, every time. Our easy-to-use intuitive game interface sees only the areas that matter to their unique event. They just click and go.

  • Custom Features

    Manage games in real-time with fewer resources than ever before. In just a few clicks, you can access automated highlight recap videos, chat with groups in real-time, create detailed reports and more.

  • Live Support

    Make your game unique with custom themes, branded assets, or create your own app. No matter what the event needs, we've got you covered.

Epic Video Wrap-up

When the time runs out, the experience is far from over!
Our mission is to connect people through epic shared game experiences - building stronger teams and connections around the world. We do this by creating an epic video wrap-up that showcases all of the submissions and memories created during the event.

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Premium Add-ons

Our team will make your event a hit on almost any budget. From out-of-the-box self-serve games through to our fully personalized white glove service, we have an offering for everyone. Ask us about our Premium Add-ons which include: 

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  • Live Scoring and Judges

    We watch. We judge. We award bonus points based on creativity and effort. Oh... and we send teams funny messages based on what we see happening.

  • Video Crew

    Add a team of videographers to tail around your participants. The mix of videos from the players with those from the crew makes for a great experience.

  • Live Stations

    Find our hosts at a series of stations and discover what challenge awaits your team.

  • Live Actors

    Why not take it a step further and have our cosplay style actors / actresses placed at special locations for your teams to track down? 

  • Personalized Challenges

    Every challenge can be personalized. Get executives to introduce challenges with a video, integrate vision and mission statements, and test on company or group trivia from the past.

  • Highlight Reels

    At your activity, the highlight reel is always a hand-crafted hit and goes very well with an award ceremony or as a fun memento.

  • Custom Branding

    Your game can be fully branded for a company, individual or theme. Full branding means not just a logo, but terms, icons, custom areas and more.

  • Custom Stickers

    Branded, personalized or themed stickers can be created for you. Get players interacting and producing photos of themselves with your logo, mascot or otherwise special sticker.

  • Library

    Unlock our library of challenges from past successful implementations. Search the library by tag, tap a button and it is now part of your game.

  • Integrations

    You use a new innovative ticketing system and need it to work with us right? We can tie our platform to other systems.

  • Program Development

    Engage our game makers to understand your objectives and then work backwards to build the perfect game for your audience.

  • Custom Reporting

    Analytics on your mind? Beyond our standard reporting we can work to develop custom reports based on your goals and desired outcomes.

  • Custom Boxes

    Everyone wants to know what's in the box... but why ruin the surprise? We are happy to customize boxes for large events and a variety of themes.

Personalize the Experience

Looking for more - or not yet ready to go Premium? We also have a huge variety of missions for all skill sets that can be tailored to your liking, such as:

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  • Team Elimination

    Teams can be progressively eliminated up to the final leg or you can keep everyone competing right to the end.

  • Roadblocks

    Challenges can be locked until completion of a preceding roadblock. Set rules around who can complete the challenge or let the team pick.

  • Detours

    Facilitators and judges can interject into the race. Individual teams can be targeted with special challenges live during the game. Skip a detour and judges can levy a penalty.

  • Intersections

    Teams must work with other teams to complete certain challenges. The more you want people to mix, the more intersections to list.

  • Route Markers

    Route markers help teams navigate the race and can be pre-placed physical signs with live operators or QR codes for check-in. They can also be purely virtual, determined and completed by GPS location.

  • Clues

    Have your teams solve riddles, or ask and be granted hints in exchange for penalties.

  • Fast Forward

    Judges can message teams during the game to grant them passes to skip a challenge or a set of challenges.

  • Yields and U-Turns

    Teams can be given time outs where they must wait before completing the next challenge. U-turns can be used to turn teams back and force them to re-complete a challenge.

  • Switchbacks

    Our team can give you challenges from our library of the best from the past. Throw some sure fire hits into the mix.

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  • Such a fun team bonding experience! Low pressure, high fun, and a few hilarious additional tasks. Loved it.


  • How Long is the Game and What Are the Physical Requirements?

    The game is played on foot and while each game / city is slightly different expect a casual walking pace for up to 2 hours with lots of stops to do challenges and explore the space. If you want a more ‘fast paced’ game please let us know and we’ll turn up the heat.

  • How Do We Make the Teams?

    We will give you our $0.02 on the best way to make teams based on your outcomes, but more random than not is always a good idea.

  • Are We All Walking Around Together?

    No. Our games are designed to scatter teams across the playing field and large groups can be assigned a variety of starting points.

  • Are the Start / Stop Locations Provided or Custom?

    Both. We have a game ‘zone’ for you to play in with recommended stop / starts, but can accommodate custom start / stop locations in most cases. We can also customize any of our games to specific locations, but normally that’s not required.

  • Do We Use Your App To Play?

    Yes. One person per team - or more if you wish - will download our proprietary app and join your private game. The app is loaded with fun and special features.

  • Will We Have Game Day Support?

    If you are booking a premier event you’ll have access to your live virtual events team, though frankly not a lot of support is required once you get started.

  • What is the Booking Process?

    Once you are ready to book, you’ll tell us the basics (e.g. which game, location, date, approx. headcount, etc.) and we’ll get you a contract, a deposit invoice and a game producer.

    Your game producer will make sure you have a great event and will handle any customization requests, hosts etc. You are in good hands.

  • What if We Don’t Know How Many People Will Be Playing?

    No problem! We will only invoice you for up to 90% of your headcount ensuring you have some wiggle room - but you don’t need to give us those numbers right away either.

  • What about Rain & Inclement Weather?

    Did we mention you're in good hands? While some of the most epic games have happened when teams battle a few elements, you are able to rebook your game for a future date at no additional cost. We also have ‘indoor’ games in many cities in case there is no future date for you.

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Check out the hand-picked options below.

Ready to Laugh and Connect with Your Team?

Setting up a Social Scavenger experience is easy.
Get in touch with us today to learn how.

Approximate number of players for your event
City name with desired location (e.g. Downtown Austin) or Virtual (i.e. remote)
Please be as detailed as possible (e.g. goals, overview, game preference, desired date, phone number, etc.)