Augmented Reality Content of the Week Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated White Label

User Generated Content: Thanksgiving Edition

It’s almost the end of the season, and Thanksgiving is finally upon us. We know you’ll have a lot on your dinner plate… and also your agenda plate. Children are running around, dogs are barking, the men are shouting at the TV- chaos in the house, left and right and centre. What if we told you there’s a way to keep your family occupied while the turkey gets all delicious in the oven?

Create your own Family Scavenger Hunt that’s fun for everyone of all ages

Involve everyone in the family and make it your own annual tradition. Incorporate your inside jokes with the Trivia challenge feature, who can stack the most objects on grandpa (who’s clearly been passed out on the couch for hours), or shoot your own music video using the Video feature. Family friendly competition that’s sure to generate laughs and memories. It’s fast, it’s easy, it will keep everyone entertained and contained. The best part? Everyone can gather around and watch all the content produced from your hunt afterwards while gorging on pumpkin pie.

Get Active with Gamification

Your family’s all hyped about all the food they’re about to consume so it doesn’t hurt to burn a few calories before the big feast. Channel all that energy through an engaging adventure! Your adventure doesn’t necessarily have to take place indoors; as long as everyone has either a smartphone or tablet, you can also take the game outdoors. Which team will bring home the best dessert from  GPS-locked location? An active scavenger adventure is a great way to keep everyone occupied, moving and discovering new things.

Mix up the Mundane Holiday Practice

All those games of chess and scrabble can only keep everyone occupied for so long. Bo-ring! This is a great initiative to change it up this year and keep everyone busy. Your family will be so impressed that the kids can stay satisfied for hours.

We put together a little thanksgiving treat of all our past Social Scavengers who took part in a scavenger adventure during Turkey Day. We hope you enjoy them a much as we did!


A fun and engaging scavenger hunt is a great way to strengthen your family relationship and bring everyone together. Discover new things about each family member and create content that can be shared for many more future Thanksgivings to come! If you’re interested in getting your game started, contact us!

By socialscavenger